Welcome to John Sharry’s website

John is a Social Worker and Psychotherapist with over 30 years experience as a child and adolescent mental health professional. He is Founder and Clinical Director of the Parents Plus Charity, Adjunct Professor at the School of Psychology in UCD and Clinical Director of Silvercloud Health. John is an Irish Times Parenting Columnist and is also the lead author of the Parents Plus Programmes which are run in mental health, disability and primary care services throughout Ireland and internationally.
Mental Health and Parenting Courses
John is the author of over 25 positive psychology, parenting books and mental health programmes. He delivers parenting and mental health talks and courses to schools, communities and workplaces.
Solution-Focused Professional Training
John is an innovator and international trainer in solution-focused and strengths-based practice. He has written several professional books on strengths based approaches. He provides training workshops for those working in education, community and mental health services.
Sustainability Projects
Since 2003, John has been a member of Feasta, environmental NGO, and writes about climate change and facilitates resilience workshops for the public and climate activists.
Articles by John Sharry
John Sharry writes on parenting, relationships and family life in the Irish Times Newspaper. Click on the categories below or click here to read his articles.