Becoming solution-detectives – a creative approach to helping people solve problems

Becoming solution-detectives – a creative approach to helping people solve problems – John Sharry When we are faced by problems, our natural inclination is of course to problem solve. We will spend time anaylysing what is wrong and how things are going wrong, so we can come up with a cause or a ‘diagnosis’. While … Continue reading Becoming solution-detectives – a creative approach to helping people solve problems

Cultivating hope and managing despair

Copy of chapter that was published in book  Fleeing Vesuvius  Overcoming the Risks of Economic and Environmental Collapse By John Sharry Societies are struggling to come to terms with the nature and extent of the changes facing them both now and in the future. Modern psychological models of motivation and change, and of how people … Continue reading Cultivating hope and managing despair

Creating a sustainable, viable, future path for civilisation

John Sharry’s paper ‘Hope in the Face of Disaster ‘ presented at Social Justice Ireland’s social policy conference 2013 ‘A Future Worth Living For’. Summary Taking a long term view, this paper explores the many crises that civilisation and humanity will face over the coming decades some of which are already starting to have an … Continue reading Creating a sustainable, viable, future path for civilisation

My little girl can’t stop biting her nails

Q: My six-year-old daughter started biting her nails around the same time she started school for the first time last September. She’s a happy girl and is enjoying school, but I reckon the change in her life is what triggered her to start. She bites her nails right to the quick and also bites the … Continue reading My little girl can’t stop biting her nails