Please respect copyright – these resources are strictly for personal use only and are not to be copied or distributed.
Session 1 Handout and Worksheets
This podcast on sensory regulation, links in with today’s course content, and might be of interest:
Neurodivergent women podcast: Sensory Regulation with Occupational Therapist Joann Seymon (link is to spotify but you should be able to find it on all other platforms if you search for it).
Session 2 Handout and Worksheets
Further resources on PDA:
- Both and have some great resources for parents.
- Also the following books:
- Casey Ehrlich of ‘At Peace Parents’ is on all the social media platforms and has the PDA-Parents podcast/ At Peace Parents YouTube channel.
- The Family Experience of PDA by Eliza Fricker
- Declarative Language Handbook by Linda K Murphy
(‘Declarative Language and Co-Regulation’ on Facebook) - Low Demand Parenting by Amanda Diekman
(@lowdemandamanda on Instagram) - The Educator’s Experience of Pathological Demand Avoidance by Laura Kerbey
Session 3 Handout and Worksheets
Further Resources for Neurodiversity
Irish Times Parenting Q&As related to neurodiversity
Please respect copyright – these resources are strictly for personal use only and are not to be copied or distributed.