We’ve drifted apart since having children

My daughter’s friends are excluding her. Is she being bullied?

My child is a perfectionist

My 2 year old has temper tantrums. How should I best deal with him?’

My 2 yr old keeps slapping and squeezing other children

How can we stop the tantrums?

Irish Times Articles by John Sharry – Archive

Hope in Hard Times: 3

Hope in Hard Times: 2

Hope in Hard Times: 1

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘How can i organise the mayhem when I come home from work?’

Our daughter’s phobias seem to be getting worse

My son is being very difficult since we had the new baby

My teenager’s bad attitude is causing rows

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘We argue over our aggressive 5 year old. Who is right?’

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘We argue over our aggressive 5 year old. Who is right?’

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘How can I avoid family conflict over Christmas?’

‘What you can do if your child is being bullied or is a bully.’ An Irish Times Feature by Dr. John Sharry

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘My 7 year old is having tantrums.’

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘My son is putting on weight.’

Our son is jealous of the baby and we can’t handle his behaviour

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘Our son is jealous of the baby and we can’t handle his behaviour’

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘My 5 year old is very shy at school’

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘My 3 year old won’t poo in the toilet.’

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘My son is very shy.’


My son has very low self esteem

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘Our daughter in obsessed with us dying.’

I think my teenager is smoking

Our son fails to grasp toilet hygiene message

My teenager is unmotivated and has left school

Teen tantrums are disrupting family life

My 17 year old daughter’s boyfriend is 21.

Single Parenting my 3 year old

My son is studying so should I relax the rules?

My daughter won’t study or tidy her room

My 13 year is challenging our rules

My 14 year old has lost interest in school

Egg Donation: Should I tell my kids how they were conceived?

My toddler won’t stay in her own bed

My 3 year old won’t go to bed

My daughter wants contact with her father whom she has never met

My 18 year old is becoming violent and angry

How to explain their father’s alcoholism to teenagers?

Should I stop my son’s naps?

Toilet training: My 3 year old won’t poo in the toilet

My 4 year old is jealous of the baby

My 3 year old is afraid of using the toilet

My daughter’s habit at bedtime has become a worry for us

My 2 year old wakes us early every morning

My four year old is bossy and demanding with other kids (Social Skills)

Irish Times Parenting Q&A with Dr. John Sharry: ‘Our son is jealous of the baby and we can’t handle his behaviour’

Our daughter is fighting and biting in creche

Our sons are always fighting when they meet up

How can i get my daughter to play nicely?

My two year old is acting like a bully

I yearn for a baby girl in a house full of boys

My shrieking twins are driving me mad

How can I get rid of my 3yr old’s soother?

Our little girl needs her teddy all the time

My toddler bit me

Why has bilingual approach stalled?

Raising an only child

Is there a difference in bringing up boys and girls?

Introducing my child to a new partner

My child doesn’t want to go to preschool

Is my daughter ready for primary school?

My son has been watching porn on his phone


My children are TV addicts, how can I stop it?

My daughter is being called a bully

How to get the balance right with after-school activities?

My daughter is very fussy about getting dressed

Learning to make friends

Families Coping With Financial Downturn

Big sister is mean to the younger one

Our son has a ‘girly’ side

How can I help my shy 10 year old?

My boyfriend wants me to meet his daughter, Is it too soon?

My teenagers don’t talk to each other

Should I leave my husband?

My child has a needle phobia

My daughter is behaving badly since our separation

How to be a good stepmother

My 13 year old daughter won’t accept discipline from my new partner

My daughter’s phobias seem to be getting worse

My son is putting on weight

My 9 year old wants a TV in the bedroom

How to explain teenage pregnancy to my girls?

How can I help my child be more confident?

My 6 year old is a fussy eater

How can I change my son’s eating habits?

How can we explain that we can’t afford our kid’s christmas wishes?

Can I put a stop to my son’s wish on Santa’s list?

What age should I let my child have a mobile phone?

Helping Children with Nightmares

My son is anxious after being attacked.

Facts of Life: At what age should we tell our children about sex?

We’ve separated. Where can i get help for my son?

Coping with Eating Disorders

We argue about our aggressive five year old

How do I explain cancer to my children?

We’ve separated, How can I make their second house homely?

How will my husband cope with our clingy baby?

My mother-in-law is very opinionated about my parenting


My son doesn’t want to see his dad

How will 2 year old cope with my overseas job?

How do I deal with their mum’s drinking without losing the kids?

My toddler wants only to be with one of his parents at a time

Can my alcoholic father-in-law be trusted with a new baby?

My 6 year old is overweight, how can i help him?

Coping with a fussy eater

Irish Times Seminar with John Sharry ‘Suicide Prevention-What a parent can do?’

I’m worried my 16 year old is having sex

My son is using cannabis

My child is scared of the bath

My toddler hates getting his hair washed

My two year old wants me all the time

My son is studying too much!

My preschool daughter’s friend is mean

Online Bullying

Alcohol, Drugs and Sex

How can I get my 3 year old to be gentle with the new baby?

16 year old is very withdrawn and aggressive towards his mum

My daughter won’t go to sleep without us

How can i get my children to stay in their own beds at night?



My 3 year old won’t stay in his bed at night